Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fill Me Up Lord!

Throughout this new journey my life is headed on, I have been asked several times, “What fills you up spiritually?” I have been told I’m going to need to be intentional about maintaining my own spiritual life while I am in Japan and I was not quite sure how I was going to do that. What truly does fill me up spiritually? Through orientation and since I have been home, I have been pondering this question and realizing that this past month I have been very blessed to have been filled many times over.

Relationships: I need relationships with other strong Christians in my life. People who I can question with, pray with, share meals with, and just be with. Throughout my orientation I have been blessed to find many new friends and to form friendships, which will undoubtedly be long standing. These people truly understand where I am going in life, and the struggles that come along with that. I felt I had made friends over the course of a month who truly understand me better than those who have been surrounding me for years. The Global Mission community is strong and there are many valuable resources and people there. These friendships are so genuine, it is refreshing. They are “my people” as one of them put it. These are my role models for whom I will strive to be like, to maintain that intentional relationship with them and with God.

Music: Despite my denial of it, I love Christian music! The music that is played at retreats that pumps you up, the music that brings tears to your eyes, the music where every musical instrument is played, I love it. There are a few songs on my play list that can always bring me closer to God when I need it. I also have been known to sing in a few Gospel Choirs and Gospel music has power over me, it is so raw and so real, it is truly inspirational. I will be listening to Christian music to maintain my sense of grounding and my sense of calmness.

Coffee: Stay in there with me. Over this past month coffee has come to symbolize so much to me. It is people struggling together, (often to stay awake) it is time to just talk with your neighbor; it is questioning the bible passages and struggling to find their meaning in your life. Coffee is the glue that brings us together in moments where we are not sure we can make it on our own accord anymore. It is sipping the sugared down cup while over looking Lake Michigan and singing Disney songs together. Coffee symbolizes communication for me, and the sustainability of friendships. So when you just need someone to be there, brew a pot of coffee and just be with one another, accompany them if you will.

These things in combination with bible study and daily scripture will fulfill my spiritual life while in Japan, and I ask you to all accompany me and pray with me on this journey!

For God alone my soul waits in silence’ from him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress, I shall never be shaken. For God along my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. Psalm 62:1-2, 5-6

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